The Science Of Super Patch

Once the Super Patch is in contact with your skin, it triggers a response in the brain's neural networks that helps you tackle your daily problems.


    The technology inside the Super Patch has uniquely arranged ridges that look like a QR code, when these ridges touch our skin, our cells transmit unique signals that interact with our body’s nervous system.

    Every physical, emotional and mental function has a specific neuro-code or “message.”

    The Super Patch patterns are like QR codes and when the ridges in the pattern touch our skin, they send messages to the brain.

    In the real world QR codes send messages through the internet, The Super Patch pattern QR Code sends messages through our nervous system and each patch has a unique code and a unique message.

    The brain and nervous system decodes the message immediately, and a waterfall of wellness responses happen, from more energy to enhanced balance and quality of life


    "I put the Freedom patch on the inside of my thigh, just above my knee that hurts, and after about 1 hour I was able to bowl with my friends without any pain and was able to get lower in my stance! I played great that night!"

    "Within 30 minutes of putting the Freedom patch between my shoulder blades, my upper back pain went down so much I forgot I even had pain until my coworker asked me how my back was feeling!"

    "I have been dealing with right hip pain for as long as I can remember. I put the patch on first thing in the morning and when I went to get up to make my lunch 2 hours later, I was shocked at how I could get out of my chair much more easily and with significantly less pain. This stuff works!"

It’s game time.

More Power. More Speed.
100% Natural & Drug-Free.

To play your best, you need to be physically and mentally locked in. The Victory Patch is designed to help improve your athletic performance so you can be more explosive, agile, and focused every game.

With Super Patch:

  • Increased peak force: +17%

  • Average power: +22%

  • Improved balance and stability: +31%

  • Average concentric force: + 17%

  • Average eccentric force: 17%

  • Improved recovery: +94%